Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I Heart Faces: "My Friend and I"

Adult Category

My best friend Kaleigh and I.
We've been friends almost 10 years,
and I don't know what I'd do without her.

If you haven't seen it yet, visit
Very cute, highly recommended!


  1. Beautiful photo!! You two are sweet!

  2. Look at those beautiful smiles!

  3. Such a sweet photo. I also wanted to let you know I read the story about your dear son. It brought tears to my eyes not only for his loss but for the horrible experience you had at such a young age. I'm so glad you're sharing your story and helping other ladies through their pain also. I can't even begin to imagine what you went through.

  4. Thanks so much. That means a lot. It's helping a TON talking about it.

  5. How precious to read your story and see a picture of you smiling with your friend. You have already won a prize in being able to talk about what has happened to you. You have a prize in a friend who stands by you. I have lost three babies. It is hard. There is healing. God is with me and they are with Him. I live each day fully in the here and now, not the then, not the what ifs.
    Blessings to you.

  6. Thank you, Marci! Knowing that God has my Angel cradled in his arms is the only thing that brings me comfort. I am sorry for your losses. God Bless!


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